Hide filtersShow filters Clear allAugust 2022 × Close Uncategorized August 18, 2022South Sudan: ‘Urgent collective efforts’ needed in most dangerous humanitarian situationby United Nations RSS Uncategorized August 18, 2022UN deplores deadly attack in Afghanistan, killing scores and injuring many othersby United Nations RSS Women August 18, 2022First Person: Heartbroken but hopeful, under Taliban rule in Afghanistanby United Nations RSS Europe August 17, 2022UN chief pays second call on Ukraine, will visit grain-exporting Black Sea Portby United Nations RSS Africa August 17, 2022WHO warns of disease threat amid Horn of Africa droughtby United Nations RSS Uncategorized August 17, 2022Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria completes mission to northeastby United Nations RSS mieast August 17, 2022UN agriculture agency helps protect against threat of locust in Yemenby United Nations RSS Women August 17, 2022Statement: In solidarity, we honour the global humanitarian communityby United Nations RSS