Hide filtersShow filters Clear allAugust 2022 × Close Women August 12, 2022Youth leadership and intergenerational partnership: The driving force of Generation Equalityby United Nations RSS Asia August 12, 2022‘Immensely bleak’ future for Afghanistan unless massive human rights reversal, experts warnby United Nations RSS unicef August 12, 2022UNICEF’s Child Friendly Cities Initiative Celebrates Two Years in U.S.by United Nations RSS Asia August 12, 2022From the Field: Young Fijians work with older generation for a sustainable futureby United Nations RSS Migrants Refugees August 12, 2022140 aid workers killed in 2021 as UN humanitarian funding gap looms larger than ever – OCHAby United Nations RSS Culture & Education August 12, 2022UN chief’s Youth Day message: People of all ages need to ‘join forces’ for a better worldby United Nations RSS Women August 12, 2022Statement: Intergenerational solidarity – Creating a world for all agesby United Nations RSS mieast August 12, 2022Lebanese youth learn to stand up to hate speechby United Nations RSS