Hide filtersShow filters Clear allunicef × Close unicef October 5, 2022Demand For Life-Saving Supplies For Children At An All-Time High As UNICEF Commemorates 60 Years Of Operations In Copenhagenby United Nations RSS unicef October 5, 2022Amidst Insecurity In Haiti, New Cholera Upsurge Puts 1.2 Million Children At Riskby United Nations RSS unicef October 4, 2022Helping Children Recover From the Trauma of Pakistan Floodsby United Nations RSS unicef October 3, 2022Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2022: Add Some Meaning to Your Halloweeningby United Nations RSS unicef October 3, 2022Dell Technologies Partners with UNICEF USA to Support Giga, the Global Initiative to Connect Every School to the Internet by 2030by United Nations RSS unicef September 30, 2022Skills Training Program Empowers Girls in Bangladeshby United Nations RSS unicef September 30, 2022UNICEF Statement On Attack On Kaaj Educational Center, Dasht-E-Barchi, West Kabul, Afghanistanby United Nations RSS unicef September 29, 2022Skills Training Programs Empower Girls in Bangladeshby United Nations RSS