How to Help The Environment Despite Inflation

With inflation driving up costs for everything from a loaf of bread to a tube of toothpaste, many of us have had to cut certain things out of our budget. And unfortunately, helping the environment by making financial commitments like purchasing eco-friendly products may not be financially feasible for you right now. If that’s the case, not to fear! There are still plenty of things that you can do for the environment that are cheap or even free. 

5 Simple and Affordable Ways you Can Help The Environment, No Matter What The Inflation Rate is 

volunteer planting tree


Sometimes, giving time can be even more valuable than giving money. And we bet that you have a unique skill that could be of service to the environmental movement! Just want to get your hands in the dirt? Sign up for one of our many events to plant trees in your local community!

composting food scraps kitchen


With approximately 30-40% percent of the food supply in the United States becoming food waste, composting is a powerful action that anyone can take for the environment. With our free compost guide, you won’t need any fancy equipment begin to composting successfully!

bike in forest

3. Ride Your Bike To Work

If you already own a bike, then its free transportation and helps the environment to boot. That’s because transportation is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases — and accounted for 27% of the total US greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector in 2020.