Hide filtersShow filters Clear allSeptember 2022 × Close unicef September 13, 2022UNICEF Geneva Palais Briefing Note On Rising Severe Acute Malnutrition For Children In Somaliaby United Nations RSS Africa September 13, 2022Catastrophic hunger levels leave 500,000 children at risk of dying in Somaliaby United Nations RSS unicef September 13, 2022UNICEF Announces New Global Education Mascot, Uniby United Nations RSS Uncategorized September 12, 2022Security Council calls for intensifying efforts to expand Yemen truceby United Nations RSS Asia September 12, 2022Myanmar: Increasing evidence of crimes against humanity since coupby United Nations RSS sdgs September 12, 2022Global UN forum showcases need, impact of South-South cooperationby United Nations RSS sdgs September 12, 2022‘Solutions lie in solidarity’ UN chief says on South-South Cooperation Dayby United Nations RSS Migrants Refugees September 11, 2022‘My children ask me, what is Syria?’ Za’atari refugee camp enters second decadeby United Nations RSS